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- Finding your Lottery Numbers.✳️
Finding your Lottery Numbers.✳️
Finding your way out of your labyrinth .🌀
There is nothing that the master within us can’t teach.
Everything that happens is a piece of the puzzle, the puzzle of life.After learning something irrelevant it clears our mind to have a better vision of our path, I like to think of this as “Our Unique Labyrinth”.The only one in this labyrinth is you and no one else,by coming out it means we have achieved our goals and dreams but the fun is also in the labyrinth, the fun is in trying, in becoming .

I used to think that because one person is successful I have be like them,to do what they did.Just imagine trying to get out of this labyrinth following the exact directions of someone else that has a different one, when I’m supposed to make a right there is only left, when I’m supposed to go back there is only forward.Derek Sivers in his book Hell yeah or not said that When successful people give advice is like if they were giving the lottery numbers they played.

I believe that we all have our lottery waiting for us but we have to find those unique numbers, we all have our treasure waiting for us, it would not make sense that only a few are worthy and others are not, we are all worthy that’s why we are here,It is not possible that only some have the right to get what they want and others do not.The true is everyone wants their treasure but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to get out of their labyrinth,to find their lottery numbers, it’s safer to stay at the part of the labyrinth that we know very well.Uncertainty is scary, success is scary, but don’t wait until they hand you the bill for not trying.
“Stand guard at the door of your mind.” 💂
“Be careful in what you let in your mental factory”🏭
~Jim Rhon.
Be aware in what gets to your mind because it will modify your personality. As Dr. Joe Dispenza said,“Your personality creates your personal reality”.I am sure nobody wants to have a reality of someone else. By being aware of what we let modify our personality we will be protected from people who are trying to sabotage us or maybe they mean no harm but their thinking doesn’t make us become that version who attracts what we desire.
The reason I know we all have our own treasure or lottery waiting for us is because our existence shows it, life is not those types of movies where only a few are the”Chosen ones,” that only a few are blessed with superpowers and only some get to live an amazing life’s,their dreams.The universe gives us what we think we are worth.

Because We have been given the dignity of choice we choose what we want,This Infinite Intelligence sees us feeling lack,sadness,hate,anger, fear,loneliness,so it thinks: “Because this person is choosing to feel this, it must be because he enjoys this kind of feelings,therefore I’m going to send him more experiences that create those emotions and even stronger!.”
As Neale Donald Walsh said “God has a very limited vocabulary, he only knows the word Yes”,We have been given the dignity of choice, pick what you want,experiences, emotions.Now I understand what they mean by “The limit is your imagination,”we get to choose wich slice of cake we want,all of us, so lets have fun!.
Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.🌅
With Enthusiasm and Joy…..Danny:)🏵️