- Danzalo512
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- Dreams are impossible because of 5 minutes of our Day.đźŚ
Dreams are impossible because of 5 minutes of our Day.đźŚ
Defeat the 5 min every day.🥇
The 5 Minute Barrier.

With just five minutes a day complaining, judging, feeding the wrong thought or doing all the bad habits (We know which ones ) will be a total of 1825 minutes a year,30 hours , a little more than one day of our lives that will never come back.
(I know I waste more than five minutes a day)
Maybe 30 hours may not seem like a lot but it means having 3 extra hours for 10 days to start that business, goal, song, book, article, YouTube channel, Twitch channel, gym, or whatever that idea in the back of your mind might be, if you don’t have one idea you still have 3 hours a day to brainstorm one,I’m sure working 3 hours a day for 10 days in our “Idea” something great will come out.Staring with 3 hours is a lot, what I did is staring with just 30 min doing something that at the end of the day gave me self esteem, then I added 10 more minutes to whatever I was doing.
Probably our first video our stream is not the best one but we started that channel, our first article will have grammar errors but we started writing(Like me right now) we wont have abs coming out of the gym the first day but we got our membership, probably the first business won’t give us financial freedom but is the one that we will learn a lot from. Is not the first outcome that we get, is what we are becoming.
To have what others don’t you have to do what they don’t.
For me the most important thing is go give your best in what you are doing, its out of your control how many views or reads your content will get but what you can control is making it the best you can, if you do it the best you can the outcome takes care of itself.
Only when you do your best the outcome stops being so important because deep inside you know you gave it your all, you took the risk of taking that first big little jump from self doubt into uncertainty, you did what a lot of people don’t and ever will but besides what people do or don’t you have obtained this new mindset.
“Fear has killed more dreams than failure ever will”

What fascinates me is that with this new mindset we show the universe that we really want it, that we have the necessity and the universe will throw us breadcrumbs to see if we follow them.
If we follow this breadcrumbs we will see opportunities that we did not see before that will help us get closer to our dreams, at the beginning the breadcrumbs and challenges will be easy but as we go further into our journey they will become more difficult. In hard times remember that the darkest hour is when se sun is about to come out, don’t give up when the sun is about to rise.
“A search always starts with Beginner’s luck and ends with the test of the Conqueror”
-Paulo Coelho.

For things to change you have to change, or your life will be like the last year.There is more than one way to live your life but you have to exist on your own terms, your actions have to be a result of your own thinking, keep your dreams on the forefront of your mind because is your life and your living.
Success is not a fashion or stereotype, success is not a Porsche, degree, money or social status, success is saying what you are going to do and getting it done.If someone says that they are going to fish all day and live of the land and they go and do it, they are successful , as successful as the richest person in the world, as successful as the most known lawyer or doctor.
Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours.🌅
With enthusiasm and joy Dani :)